
Finance & accounting

The 'Bad News' Penalty

Darden Professor Justin Hopkins and Dain Donelson examine the effects of market-wide decline on the same day a company communicates negative news.

Boom and Bust: China’s Stock Market Turmoil

Darden Professors Rich Evans and Dennis Yang discuss the decline of the Shanghai Composite Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average.

The Aggressive Sweet Spot: Income Up; Taxes Down

Darden Professors Mary Margaret Frank and Luann Lynch delve into the world of aggressive tax and financial reporting and reveal a remarkable fact.

Watch Out for Fairy Tale Returns

Darden Professor Rich Evans' research on mutual fund incubator bias demonstrates the dangers of choosing an investment based on past success.

Do Shareholders Actually Care About CEO Pay?

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act mandated that publicly traded corporations provide shareholders with the right to vote on CEO pay. How much do those shareholders care, and under what conditions?

BizBasics: ‘What Is Diversification?’

Darden Professor Rich Evans discusses the benefits of diversification in smoothing out the volatility of individual investments.

The JOBS Act: Friend or Foe to the Small Firm IPO?

Recent legislative changes, particularly the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, aim to lower the direct cost of IPOs by giving firms the choice to reduce disclosure during the IPO process and their first five years as publicly traded companies.

But does this new legislation actually achieve its goals?

BizBasics: ‘Credit Card Sense’

In this video, Darden Professor Greg Fairchild discusses the credit card, what it can do for the consumer, and what it sometimes does to the consumer.

The National Debt Project

Darden Professor Mary Margaret Frank discusses the origin of the national debt, how spending priorities have changed and why excessive federal debt is a concern.

BizBasics: "The Rule of 72 - Behind the Math"

In this finance lesson, you will learn the "Rule of 72," a method for estimating the time it will take for an investment to double.