Insights From

Business & Public Policy

Painful Insecurity: Economics and Physical Distress

Embrace uncertainty — it’s the only surety in life, we’re often told. New research suggests these words may be easier said than done, particularly when it comes to financial uncertainty.

International Monetary Policy and Capital Control Measures: The Way Forward

Darden Professor Frank Warnock shares insights from the 2015 Global Financial Stability Conference and offers guidance on the way forward.

Star-Spangled Shoppers: International Politics Drive Buying Choice

Darden Professor Raj Venkatesan discusses the effect nationalism has on consumer behavior during international conflict.

The JOBS Act: Friend or Foe to the Small Firm IPO?

Recent legislative changes, particularly the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, aim to lower the direct cost of IPOs by giving firms the choice to reduce disclosure during the IPO process and their first five years as publicly traded companies.

But does this new legislation actually achieve its goals?

The National Debt Project

Darden Professor Mary Margaret Frank discusses the origin of the national debt, how spending priorities have changed and why excessive federal debt is a concern.