Insights From

Mary C. Gentile

Giving Voice to Values: A Glimpse of the Origin Story

Many of us want to act in alignment with our values, but it’s often easier said than done. Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is an innovative approach to standing up for values under pressure. Here, GVV pioneer Mary Gentile shares a portion of her journey in finding the answer to “Once I know what I believe is right, how can I enact it effectively?”

A Word to Hedgehogs: Find Commonality Across Critical Issues

Philosopher Isaiah Berlin stated that people fall into two categories: the fox and the hedgehog. Professor Mary Gentile shares her thoughts on why they must co-exist and work together.

Giving Voice to Values: COVID-19 Conflicts, Creative Solutions and Collaboration

In a world beset by the COVID-19 pandemic, we face situations that test our deepest values. And when a threat to personal safety triggers the fight or flight response, our values-based decision-making is at greater risk. Mary Gentile’s Giving Voice to Values framework can help prepare us to be our best selves in trying times.

In the Weeds: A Taxing Values Conundrum

What’s an employee to do when her employer asks her to stray from her values? In this Case in Point, Mary Gentile, Steven Mintz and William F. Miller examine a complex situation in the tricky setting of taxes and the cannabis business.

Graduating to the Next Level: 5 Leadership Lessons for New Graduates (and Anyone Else)

Darden Ideas to Action offers words of wisdom from six experts for graduates (and anyone else) on how real people with a real sense of purpose can make the workplace more productive, responsible and, well, happy.

Teamwork: UVA Basketball Coach Tony Bennett’s 5 Pillars of Success

A method in the March Madness: Coach Tony Bennett has built the UVA men’s basketball program on “five pillars.” There may be something to this foundation: With a 29-3 record, the team earned a No. 1 seed for the 2018–19 season. Here, Darden professors elaborate on the pillars and why they work for high-functioning teams on and off the court.

Digital Learning and Values-Driven Leadership: Why It Works

Why might the digital space be a better place to practice how we can be ready to voice our values? Darden Professor Mary Gentile and Debra Newcomer of Nomadic Learning offer insights on the importance of values-driven leadership development and leveraging online tools.

Giving Voice to Values

Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development in business education and the workplace pioneered by Darden Professor Mary Gentile.